Hi Friends!!
So here are the minutes from our visioning session. I am not sure if
everyone is on email (is Douglas and LIsa?). If not, can someone take on
passing this info along. Cheers.
Chopper Visioing Session
Agenda: Name/Identity, Art Call-Out, Regular Ride, Ambassadorial trips,
Communication, $ fundraising, MIsc.
So as most of you will know (or not), at the Novemeber post-parade of lost
souls social at Gavin's the name Margaret Charles surfaced as a name for our
choper crew. At the time there were cheers and laughs and moans and groans.
Some liked some didn't. The name got some sticking points when the
Zoobombers came to town; we are named on their website as the Margaret
Charles Chopper Klub.
So we had some discussion and a here is what prevailed: we are not a gang or
just choppers alone. We are a collective of artist and bike freaks. We are
not exclusive. So the name Margaret Charles Chopper COllective is us!! AND
we came up with a cool anacronym -- MC3!!!! Really we are the Margaret
Charles Choper Collective and Freak Bike Gang (to include all folk, cuz we
ain't just choppers but that is the starting point).
What do you think???? Feedback from all those not in attendance.
The name came out of a joke about the names of our brothers and sisters down
south - Chunk 666 and the Dead Baby Bikes. We thought that we are very
different from both these groups. If someone else has a better explanation
please share it.
Art Call-Out
So with the settlement and excitement on our name it only seems fitting that
we produce some art for our new collective. At some point we will want to
make stickers, posters, patches and whatever else. We have a wealth of
artist in the collective, so we are having an ART CALL-OUT/CONTEST. Because
MC3 is a mix bag of different artists, we want all members art represented
and shared, and we DON'T WANT to have ONLY ONE art design representing our
groups. So we are asking all artisits in the group to design something with
our name or MC3 in it and they willl be submitted to the group and we can
decide how they will be spread. Maybe some designs are better suited to
posters, and others to stickers.
There is a 1 month deadline for art submission. If you haver questions ask
someone from the Collective.
We have been talking about having a regular ride for ages. And it was
decided that the 2nd Friday of the month was a good night for a ride. The
Science World Gazeboo has been the unofficial meeting spot. BUT this
FRIDAY"S RIDE WILL MEET AT THE BRICKYARD due to cold weather conditions. The
Brickyard is at Caroll, near Pigeon Park. 6:30pm
Trips/Ambassadorial Visits
Places we thought to go: Victoria, Seattle, Portland
Victoria: There is a chopper crew in Victoria and we would like to go over
and meet them and ride with them as well as check out the Recyclistas.
People are going to make contact with them and we have set a tentative date
of Feb 19th & 20th for going over. We figure this could be a great dry run
for our collective. As we travel we can let groups know about the East Van
Chopper Fest as well.
Seattle: The Dead Baby Bike Club hosts a DBB Down Hill in June or July. This
is a big event we will have to attend and has the potential to be the
Chopper Convergence we have been dreaming of.
There was also talk of trying to go down for a monthly DBB ride.
Portland: We didn't really talk about trips to Portland
Note: Bikesummer is being held in LA this year.
We also talked about doing a chopper camping trip in the summer
Lee offered up the Dino listserve for MC3 to use. He is setting that up.
Please contact Lee with your email information.
Website: David offered to set up a website. People kicked in donations to
get this going. See www.mcthree.ca
If we are going to plan trips we are going to need to do some fundraising.
We talked about getting temporary tattoos made!!!
Next Meeting
Hoo wuz there